Cat taking CBD from a dropper. Text reads "CBD for Cats?"

While our feline friends are generally easygoing, merely wanting to be watered, fed, and given a few scratches— on their terms of course— cats can benefit from regular CBD use. Cats go through different stages during their development and can occasionally exhibit signs of stress-related anxiety. This can manifest in your cat as hyperactivity, excessive grooming, change in appetite, and furniture destruction. 

Your cat’s behavioral changes can be triggered by a number of changes in your home— a recent move, new roommates or children in the house, and even introducing a new four-legged friend to the home. CBD can regulate your cat’s behavior and help them maintain a calmer disposition. This can allow your cat to experience said changes without exhibiting self-destructive behaviors and make your home a more harmonious place.

In this post, we’ll cover

  • What CBD is
  • How CBD can benefit cats
  • And how to give your feline friend CBD

What Is CBD?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of the more than 100 chemical compounds (called cannabinoids) produced by hemp plants. While there are traces of CBD in what we call “marijuana,” (cannabis that produces the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC) CBD is non-psychoactive and more commonly found in hemp. 

CBD will not get you “high.” CBD’s lack of intoxicating properties has led the World Health Organization to state that “[i]n humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential” 

What Can CBD Do For Cats?

Your cat’s endocannabinoid system will interact with CBD that you give them. The endocannabinoid system is a network of different receptors around your cat’s body that helps with the following:

  • A calmer/ stable mood – CBD can help calm your cat’s anxieties or help boost cats experiencing depression. 
  • Better sleep – CBD can promote better sleep if your cat suffers from any chronic health conditions. 
  • Better mobility – If your cat is getting on in years or recovering from an injury, CBD can help them regain their step. 
  • Immune system support – Better sleep and better moods can provide a big boost to your cat’s immune system.
  • Increased appetite – CBD can help stimulate your cat’s appetite, especially if your cat is reeling from any recent change in its environment. 
  • Help manage seizure disorders – Cats and humans can use CBD to help manage their seizures. The FDA-approved, Epodiolex, helps humans suffering from unique seizure disorders manage their symptoms.

Is CBD Safe?

While there haven’t been any peer-reviewed scientific studies regarding cats and CBD use, many vets agree that CBD oil is generally safe for cats. There can be, like any supplement, some unwanted side effects like upset stomach and excessive sedation, but both can be alleviated by discontinuing CBD use. 

The best way to introduce CBD to your cat safely is by first consulting your veterinarian, following the dosing instructions on your product’s label, and starting at the lowest possible dose for your cat. 

You know your cat the best and if you notice any unwanted side effects after CBD use, lower the dose for next time.

What Is the Right Dose for Cats?

The correct dose of CBD for your cat depends on your cat’s weight. Just like in humans and dogs, the optimum dose of CBD isn’t one size fits all and will depend on your cat’s body. 

A safe dose of CBD for cats is between 1mg – 2mg per 10 pounds of body weight as a rule of thumb. If you’re just starting your cat on CBD, start lower at 1mg. 

You may notice effects right away and you may not, but don’t let that disappoint you. Keep up your cat’s CBD regimen for two weeks time and keep an eye out for any differences in their behavior.

Related: CBD for Dogs

How Do I Give My Cat CBD?

If you’re using a CBD oil tincture (See the picture below) you have a couple of options. You can put CBD oil directly into your cat’s food bowl and mix it with their food. You may even consider mixing it in with salmon oil or another type of fish oil. The CBD oil will homogenize, and your cat will benefit from the omega acids in the fish oil. 

One 2oz bottle of full spectrum Pet blend CBD oil from Sunset Lake CBD


You might be able to train your cat to enjoy the taste of the CBD oil and they may want to lick the oil straight from the glass pipette. 

We don’t recommend sublingual (under the tongue, common with how we humans take CBD oil) application because let’s face it, is your cat going to enjoy that?

Can My Cat Take Too Much CBD?

Short answer: no. 

If your cat takes more than their recommended dosage, they will likely experience some unwanted side effects like upset stomach, diarrhea, lethargy, and in extreme cases, disorientation. These symptoms will subside in a few hours though. 

Likely your cat will end up sleeping it off and will wake up right as rain. 

Can CBD Interact with Your Cat’s Medication?

CBD is not known to cause any issues alongside your cat’s existing medications. That said, you should always consult your veterinarian so that they may advise you on how to proceed. 

How to Find Reputable CBD for Your Cat

The best way to find reputable pet CBD is the same way you’d find CBD for yourself. Seek out companies with a lot of product reviews from verified buyers and who openly display their third-party lab results. 

You can find Sunset Lake CBD’s lab results right here

Third-party lab results will tell you if the advertised amount of CBD on the product label matches what’s actually been tested in the product. If that matches, the buyers give the product good reviews, and the company seems like it’s on the up and up, it may be a good choice. 

Check out Sunset Lake CBD’s 600mg Full-spectrum Pet CBD Oil Tincture here.
