A blue card with the white Sunset Lake CBD logo, featuring the text "How Hemp Can Help: 2023 Roundup"

As we find ourselves on the eve of a new year, the team at Sunset Lake CBD reflects on the charitable work and contributions made throughout 2023. Supporting causes we believe in has always been at the heart of our mission, and despite the challenges we faced this year, we are proud of our efforts to give back to the community.

Reflecting on Our Charitable Contributions

2023 was a challenging year for us, especially with the USDA not allowing us to grow any hemp. However, our dedicated team persevered, and we continued to provide the best CBD products while supporting various charitable causes. This roundup aims to highlight our significant contributions and compare them to our competitors in the industry, showcasing our commitment to making a positive impact.

Vermont Community Foundation – $5,000

Early July brought devastating floods to Vermont, reminiscent of the impact of Superstorm Sandy. To aid in the recovery, we contributed $5,000 to the Vermont Community Foundation’s Emergency Flood Relief Fund. This donation was close to our hearts as Vermont farmers, and we hope it helps our neighbors rebuild their lives. The Vermont Community Foundation has been pivotal in supporting local communities, and our donation is a testament to our commitment to Vermont’s resilience.

When we compare our efforts to our competitors, we notice that while many companies in the CBD industry donate to national organizations, fewer focus on localized, immediate relief efforts. By directing our funds to the Vermont Community Foundation, we ensure that our contributions have a direct and tangible impact on the community we call home.

Vermont Public Radio – $16,600

Equitable access to information is crucial, and Vermont Public Radio (VPR) plays a significant role in providing free local news coverage. We donated $16,600 to VPR, supporting their mission to keep Vermonters informed. We are committed to continuing our support for VPR in the coming years. VPR’s dedication to quality journalism and unbiased reporting aligns with our values at Sunset Lake CBD.

In comparison, many CBD companies support large-scale media outlets or national campaigns. While these efforts are valuable, our focus on local media ensures that we support the community’s informational needs directly. VPR has been a staple in Vermont households for decades, and our support helps sustain their operations and outreach.

Planned Parenthood – $5,000

During our Black Friday sale, we partnered with Majority Report to raise funds for Planned Parenthood. We matched donations and contributed $5,000 to support reproductive healthcare, a cause we firmly believe is a human right. Planned Parenthood provides essential health services and education, and we are proud to support their mission.

Supporting Planned Parenthood is not without controversy, but we stand by our decision. Reproductive health is crucial for overall well-being, and organizations like Planned Parenthood offer invaluable resources to individuals and communities. By supporting them, we align with a broader movement of companies advocating for healthcare rights and equality.

Last Prisoner Project – $5,500

In alignment with our commitment to justice in the cannabis space, we collaborated with the Last Prisoner Project for our 4/20 sale. We donated $5,500 to support their programs, including direct commissary support and post-release grants for individuals unjustly imprisoned for cannabis offenses.

The Last Prisoner Project addresses a critical issue in the cannabis industry – the disparity in how cannabis laws are enforced. As a company that operates in the cannabis space, it is unthinkable that individuals remain incarcerated for offenses related to cannabis. By supporting this organization, we advocate for a fair and just legal system.

Our competitors often contribute to cannabis advocacy groups, but the Last Prisoner Project’s focus on direct assistance to affected individuals sets it apart. This hands-on approach resonates with our mission to make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

ATU Local 689 – $1,000

In early 2023, we supported striking transit workers in the VA and D.C. area by donating $1,000 to ATU Local 689’s strike fund. We believe in workers’ rights and were proud to support their cause. Supporting labor movements is essential for ensuring fair working conditions and rights for all workers.

Labor rights and fair wages are fundamental issues that affect all sectors, including the cannabis and CBD industries. By supporting ATU Local 689, we stand in solidarity with workers advocating for better conditions. This donation reflects our broader commitment to social justice and equity.

Pride Center of VT – $600

Essex held its first pride festival this year, and we were honored to sponsor the event. Although we did not bring our cannabis hemp products, we enjoyed engaging with parents and friends and look forward to participating again next year. Supporting the Pride Center of Vermont aligns with our values of inclusivity and support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Our participation in Essex Pride highlights our dedication to fostering an inclusive environment. Many companies support LGBTQ+ causes, but our local engagement sets us apart. By directly participating in community events, we build stronger, more personal connections with the people we serve.

National Eating Disorder Association – $250

Rounding out our donations, we made a small in-kind contribution to our local branch of the National Eating Disorder Association. Supporting local causes, even in small ways, is important to us. Eating disorders affect many individuals, and the National Eating Disorder Association provides crucial support and resources.

Supporting mental health and wellness is a growing focus in the CBD industry. Our donation to the National Eating Disorder Association underscores our commitment to holistic health, recognizing that physical and mental well-being are interconnected.

If you run a Vermont nonprofit and are seeking in-kind donations, please contact us using our contact form with “donation” in the title.


What products does Sunset Lake CBD offer?

  1. Sunset Lake CBD offers a variety of high-quality CBD products, including tinctures, gummies, salves, and pet products.

How can I support the charities mentioned in the roundup?

  1. You can support these charities by visiting their websites and making direct donations. Links are provided in the roundup for your convenience.

Why didn’t the USDA allow Sunset Lake CBD to grow hemp in 2023?

  1. The USDA’s regulations for hemp farming can be strict, and certain circumstances prevented Sunset Lake CBD from growing hemp this year. Despite this, we remain committed to our mission.

How does Sunset Lake CBD choose the charities it supports?

  1. Sunset Lake CBD selects charities based on causes that are meaningful to our team and our community, focusing on local impact and support for human rights and justice.

Can local nonprofits request donations from Sunset Lake CBD?

  1. Yes, local Vermont nonprofits can request donations by using the contact form on our website and including “donation” in the title.


