How long does CBD last in dogs thumbnail

Key Takeaways

  1. The onset of CBD in your dog will depend on a few factors like their size, age, metabolism, and how you dose them. 
  2. CBD tends to last for at least four hours after you dose your dog. It may even last up to twelve hours in some cases. 
  3. Most dogs will benefit from consistent CBD dosing. Make a dosing schedule and stick to it. 

So you’ve just dosed your dog with CBD and are now wondering: How long does CBD take to affect dogs? Well, you’re in the right place. We’ll answer that question and discuss how long you can expect the effects of canine CBD to last. 

How Long Does CBD Take to Effect Dogs?

The time between dosing your dog with CBD and seeing any effect can vary based on a few factors. On average, dog owners should expect to wait between 30 minutes to 2 hours after they give their dog CBD to see any effect. 

However, we should note that there is a difference between seeing CBD’s short-term effects vs. seeing longer-term benefits. Longer-term benefits like a more stable mood, greater sociability, and improved mobility may not be realized until your dog has taken CBD consistently for a few days. 

Factors Affecting CBD Onset in Dogs

There are a handful of factors that will affect how fast CBD starts to work for your dog. The most common are, 

  1. Method of ingestion:
    • CBD oils: When humans take CBD oil, they use it sublingually, meaning holding it under the tongue while the cannabinoids enter the bloodstream. The idea is that the faster the oil enters your bloodstream, the faster it will start to work. Preventing your dog from swallowing their CBD oil may prove tricky. You can put CBD oil directly in your dog’s mouth or into their water bowl and still see effects in as little as 30 minutes. 
    • CBD treats or chews: CBD edibles, like infused dog treats or soft chews, will take longer to work as they need to pass through your dog’s intestines before the CBD enters their bloodstream. You may see effects in one to two hours.  
  2. Dog’s Size: Larger dogs will require higher doses of CBD to experience any benefits. Larger dogs will also need more time before their dose of CBD starts to work as the active cannabinoids need to build up in their bloodstream. 
  3. Metabolism: Smaller dogs tend to experience the benefits of their CBD before larger dogs because their bodies metabolize everything, including CBD, faster. 
  4. Dog’s Age: A dog’s age will also factor into their CBD experience. Because metabolism slows as we (and our dogs age), older dogs will need a longer time to feel their dose of CBD. 
  5. The Condition Being Treated: For more serious issues like seizure management or mobility issues, you need to keep your dog on a consistent dosing schedule before they begin to reap these longer-term benefits of CBD use.

How Long Does CBD Last in a Dog?

Once you’ve dosed your dog with CBD, the effects can last anywhere between 4 to 12 hours, depending on a few things. 

If you found this post because you’re concerned about giving your dog too much CBD, don’t panic: Dogs cannot fatally overdose on CBD. The worst side effects that they’ll experience are mild and short-term. Most of the time, you should just let them sleep it off. 

Factors That Influence CBD Duration in Dogs

  1. Dog’s Size and Weight: Both of these factors tie into metabolism. Because larger dogs generally have a slower metabolism, CBD tends to stick around in their system longer. Smaller dogs, on the other hand, seem to process and get over the effects of CBD more quickly. 
  2. CBD Dosage: Higher doses of CBD will last longer than smaller doses. This is true with just about every substance. The more you take, the longer it will last. The same is true for your canine companion. If you give them a large dose, expect them to feel the effects for longer. 
  3. Frequency of Use: As mentioned earlier in this post, consistently dosing your dog with CBD can help them experience some longer-term benefits. That’s because the CBD is building up in their system. If you’re consistently dosing your dog and letting the CBD build up in their system, it will last longer in their system. That’s not a bad thing, just how it works! 

Signs That CBD Is Working in Your Dog

Some dog owners wonder how they’ll be able to tell when the CBD kicks in. While you won’t be able to gauge longer-term benefits after a dose, there are some signs that your dog is feeling their dose:

  • More calm than normal: If you’re using CBD to help your dog manage their anxiety, you may notice that they seem less reactive on a leash or to external stimuli like loud noises or other animals. That’s a sign that the CBD is working. 
  • Less stiff: If your dog is dealing with chronic pain in their hips or knees, you may notice them moving about more freely after their CBD dose. Consistent dosing will make this more apparent, but you may notice a difference after a single dose. 
  • Nap time: Drowsiness is an effect of CBD. If your dog curls up for a nap after their dose of CBD, one, they probably could use the rest, and two, that may be the CBD coaxing them down. 
  • Appetite Stimulation: If your dog’s been lacking an appetite recently, they may want to eat after a dose of CBD. 

How Often Can You Give CBD to a Dog?

How often you give your dog, CBD will depend on their condition. For stressful situations (like firework displays or thunderstorms), give your dog CBD as needed, preferably an hour before the stressful event if possible. 

If you’re using CBD to manage your dog’s existing long-term condition, you may want to consider twice-daily doses. Try to maintain a schedule and be consistent. Maybe you put their dose of CBD on their dry food. If your dog is a picky eater, you may want to consider making CBD oil for them. Your goal should be to keep the level of CBD in their body consistent. 

When you first start your dog on CBD, be aware of how their body reacts to their dose. If they seem overly sleepy or have gastrointestinal stresses that don’t seem to clear up on their own, you may want to lower their dose. If problems persist, consult with your dog’s veterinarian. 


Is CBD safe for dogs?

CBD is generally regarded as safe to use for dogs. Stick with CBD products designed and developed for pet use and follow the use directions on the packaging. 

Can I give my dog CBD every day?

You sure can. Many dogs would benefit from daily CBD doses, especially for conditions that affect mobility and seizures. A regular dosing schedule will help to keep the levels in your dog’s system steady. 

Can dogs overdose on CBD?

Dogs cannot fatally overdose on CBD. However, giving your dog too much CBD can lead to some side effects like lethargy, upset stomach, dry mouth, and, in more serious cases, dizziness and labored breathing.

My dog is picky. How do I give them CBD oil?

If you’ve got a picky pup, try mixing some of their CBD oil in with another healthy fat. Many dogs go crazy for salmon oil and peanut butter— both of which can be mixed with oil. If your dog doesn’t like their CBD oil, you can try mixing it into something they do like!  
