Woman applying CBD salve to her wrist with the text "Is CBD Good For Your Skin?" in the background.

Is CBD good for your skin, or is it just another passing fad in the fast-paced beauty and cosmetic industry? While there is no shortage of so-called miracle products on the market, cannabidiol (CBD), an age-old phytochemical produced by the hemp plant, is worth another look.

In this post, we’ll cover the basics of CBD and skincare and cite some pieces from the growing body of research into whether or not CBD is good for your skin. Additionally, we will compare the effectiveness and claims of CBD skincare products to those of traditional skincare products available on the market.

What is CBD?

CBD (short for cannabidiol) is one of the more than 100 naturally occurring cannabinoids produced by hemp and cannabis plants. Unlike THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning that taking or applying CBD to your skin won’t make you feel “high.” This property has made CBD an attractive ingredient in various wellness and skincare products.

CBD & Skincare

You may be seeing more skin products infused with CBD on your shelf and wondering how it’s processed from a hemp plant into a facial cream. The process is straightforward. Once hemp is harvested, lab technicians extract its active ingredients—CBD and other cannabinoids—via ethanol or supercritical carbon dioxide and purify it via distillation. Distilled CBD can be infused into oils like MCT, coconut, or hemp oil and blended into a wide range of products like lotions and salves.

Comparing CBD Skincare to Traditional Skincare

Traditional skincare products often contain a variety of synthetic ingredients, fragrances, and preservatives that can sometimes cause irritation or allergic reactions. CBD skincare products, on the other hand, emphasize natural and organic components. For instance, CBD-infused oils and creams often include other beneficial ingredients like shea butter, aloe vera, and essential oils, which can enhance the skin’s health and appearance.

Is CBD Good for Your Skin?

Is CBD just another tool used by companies to mark up common skincare items? There is a growing field of research into whether or not CBD applied directly to the skin can help manage skin conditions. Here are some specific areas where CBD shows potential benefits:

CBD for Acne

Acne is a common skin condition that happens when our skin creates excess sebum, an oily substance that protects our skin. When your skin creates excess sebum, it can mix with dead skin cells or external pollutants and get trapped in your pores, causing breakouts. Many factors influence your skin’s production of sebum, including hormonal imbalances, genetics, stress, medications, and diet. While CBD isn’t going to address many of these factors, a 2014 study suggests CBD, taken orally or topically, may help prevent and relieve inflammation caused by acne. If you already have acne, CBD oil or facial serum may also help reduce the redness and irritation caused by acne.

Comparison with Traditional Acne Treatments

Traditional acne treatments often include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids, which can sometimes cause dryness and irritation. In contrast, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties offer a gentler approach to managing acne, potentially reducing breakouts without the harsh side effects.

CBD for Wrinkles

As our skin ages and is exposed to more external damage, it becomes less elastic and more susceptible to damage. Damage can range from exposure to the sun (UV light), to smoking, to repeated facial expressions like smiling. There are plenty of preventative measures someone can take like using sunscreen or moisturizing, but can CBD somehow reverse the effects of aging and smooth out wrinkles? Unfortunately, no. CBD isn’t a magic bullet for your skin. But there is some research that suggests CBD’s antioxidant properties can reduce your skin’s oxidative stress—the imbalance between the production of free radicals and antioxidant defenses. So while using CBD on your skin won’t get rid of your wrinkles, it may help boost your skin’s antioxidant defenses and prevent new wrinkles from forming.

Comparison with Anti-Aging Creams

Many anti-aging creams on the market are packed with retinoids, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. While effective, these ingredients can sometimes lead to skin sensitivity. CBD offers a natural alternative with its antioxidant properties, potentially reducing the signs of aging without causing irritation.

CBD for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a common skin disease characterized by itchy, scaly patches of skin. There is no known cure, and flare-ups can be painful for individuals. Studies have shown a strong relationship between psoriasis flares and stress and anxiety. CBD is believed to help reduce inflammation and relieve skin and joint pain when taken both orally and topically. CBD is also thought to help with stress and calm the symptoms of anxiety. So while CBD is not an effective treatment for psoriasis, it may help mitigate the factors that cause flare-ups and help ease discomfort during a flare-up.

Comparison with Psoriasis Treatments

Traditional psoriasis treatments often include topical steroids, vitamin D analogues, and phototherapy. These treatments can be effective but may have side effects such as skin thinning or increased sensitivity to light. CBD’s anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties offer a complementary approach, potentially reducing the frequency and severity of flare-ups without these side effects.

CBD for Eczema

Eczema, like psoriasis, is a common skin condition characterized by itchy, inflamed skin. There are few studies regarding CBD use and eczema, but a 2019 study found that CBD ointment helped clear eczema and reduced sleep loss caused by discomfort and itching. The National Eczema Association has said that adults who want to try topical CBD for their condition should, as they believe that it is safe to use.

Comparison with Eczema Treatments

Traditional eczema treatments include emollients, corticosteroids, and calcineurin inhibitors. These can be effective but sometimes cause skin thinning and increased susceptibility to infections. CBD’s moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties provide a natural alternative, potentially reducing symptoms without these adverse effects.

CBD for Dry and Cracked Skin

While not linked to any specific condition, many of us suffer from dry and cracked skin, especially during winter months. One of the best ways to combat dry skin is to stay hydrated. Another is to use moisturizers that protect your skin from the elements. CBD-infused topicals are a great way to both moisturize your skin and protect it from further drying.

Comparison with Traditional Moisturizers

Traditional moisturizers often contain petroleum-based ingredients and artificial fragrances, which can sometimes clog pores and cause irritation. CBD-infused products emphasize natural moisturizing agents, offering hydration without the risk of irritation or clogged pores.

How Do You Use CBD on Your Skin?

Using CBD on your skin is as easy as buying CBD oil or a CBD topical product and applying it directly to your skin. You can bolster the effects of topical CBD by also taking CBD oil orally. If you’re making your own at-home CBD topical, you’ll want to mix raw CBD flower with a carrier oil like:

  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Shea butter
  • MCT oil

Because CBD is fat-soluble, it will bond to the lipids in your preferred oil, at which point you can combine them with ingredients of your choice. Read more: How to make your own DIY CBD infusions.

Is CBD Safe for Your Skin?

CBD is generally well-tolerated by most, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t experience any side effects. If you’re taking CBD oil orally to help with a skin condition, you may experience the following side effects:

  • Change in appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Upset stomach
  • Weight change

Less is known about the side effects of using CBD topically. If you experience any rash or irritation after using a topical CBD product, you should consult your doctor.

Comparing Safety Profiles

Traditional skincare products often contain synthetic ingredients and preservatives that can cause irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. CBD skincare products, with their emphasis on natural ingredients, may offer a gentler alternative. However, as with any skincare product, it is important to do a patch test before using CBD topicals extensively. Get more info in our website.


  1. What is CBD?
    • CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in hemp and cannabis plants. It is non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t make you feel “high.”
  2. How does CBD help with acne?
    • CBD may help reduce inflammation and prevent excess sebum production, which are common causes of acne.
  3. Can CBD reduce wrinkles?
    • While CBD can’t reverse aging, its antioxidant properties may help reduce oxidative stress and prevent new wrinkles from forming.
  4. Is CBD effective for treating psoriasis?
    • CBD can help reduce inflammation and manage stress, which may alleviate psoriasis flare-ups and ease discomfort.
  5. How do I use CBD on my skin?
    • You can apply CBD oil or a CBD-infused topical product directly to your skin. For enhanced effects, consider taking CBD oil orally as well.