Humans have coexisted with hemp for millennia. We are only now beginning to understand all of its chemical constituents. Besides producing more than 100 cannabinoids, hemp also produces between 300-400 terpenesPinene [pie-neen] is the most common terpene found in nature and is one of the most commonly found terpenes in hemp flower. Besides adding a pleasant aroma to soaps and cosmetics, pinene is being researched for its potential therapeutic applications.1

In this post, we’ll discuss:

  • What Pinene is 
  • Where pinene can be found in nature 
  • And, what applications for pinene are being investigated by researchers

Continue reading “Terpene Spotlight: Pinene”

Hemp is a majestic plant rich in active compounds like cannabinoids— CBD, THC, and CBN— flavonoids, and molecules called terpenes. Terpenes have been thrust into the spotlight thanks to some new promising findings. But as it turns out, humans have used some terpenes for centuries in folk medicine practices. One such terpene is linalool, a primary component of lavender that has been used for healing the body and mind.

Linalool (“li-nal-oh-awl”) is rarely the dominant terpene in hemp, but it still plays a significant role in hemp’s aromatic profile. In addition to hemp and lavender, linalool can be found in many fruits and spices including some varieties of citrus, mint, and hops.

A note about pronunciation: Linalool looks like it should be pronounced “lin-ah-lewel,” but the correct pronunciation is “li-nal-oh-awl.” This odd pronunciation is due to the fact that the word is a combination of lináloe, a family of trees found in Mexico, and the suffix -ol, indicating that it is an alcohol molecule1.

In this post we’ll discuss:

  • What linalool is 
  • Where linalool can be found in nature 
  • And, what research has been done on linalool’s potential benefits

Continue reading “Terpene Spotlight: Linalool”

You may already know about the cannabinoids CBD and THC, but there are hundreds of other compounds that hemp produces. One such class of compounds gaining attention is terpenes. Researchers are looking into how terpenes affect humans when consumed and what possible uses they might have. beta-Caryophyllene (“bay-tah carey-oh-fi-leen”) is one of the major terpenes found in hemp and plays a big role in how hemp smells. You probably have some beta-caryophyllene in your kitchen and might not know it. Many spices in your kitchen, like black pepper and cinnamon, contain beta-caryophyllene.

In this post, we’ll discuss:

  • What beta-caryophyllene is 
  • Where beta-caryophyllene can be found in nature 
  • And, what research says about beta-caryophyllene’s potential benefits

Continue reading “Terpene Spotlight: beta-Caryophyllene”

You may have come across the term “terpenes” while shopping for hemp CBD products and wondered, “What’s that?” Hemp plants produce hundreds of active compounds. Research into said compounds beyond just CBD and THC is ramping up. Terpenes not only play a major role in how hemp smells but they’re also believed to change how you feel when using different hemp cultivars. Limonene (“lie-muh-neen“) is a commonly found terpene in hemp and cannabis. You may already be familiar with limonene but didn’t know its name. All citrus fruits contain limonene as it’s a major component of citrus’s aromatic profile.

In this post we’ll discuss:

  • What limonene is 
  • Where you can find limonene in nature 
  • And, what research says about its potential benefits

Continue reading “Terpene Spotlight: Limonene”

As research explores all the potential benefits of hemp, there is an increased public interest in learning more about the active compounds beyond just CBD and THC. Terpenes feature prominently in the discussion about how hemp can make you feel and they play a major role in how hemp smells.

There are dozens of terpenes found in hemp flowers, and one of the least common terpenes is called terpinolene (“ter-pin-oh-leen”). But just because it’s not typically found in high concentrations, doesn’t sideline it. In fact, some of Sunset Lake CBD flower cultivars like the 2021 Sour Lifter and 2021 Super Sour Space Candy are quite high in terpinolene!

In this post we’ll discuss the following:

  • What is terpinolene 
  • Where terpinolene can be found in nature 
  • And, what research says about its potential benefits

Continue reading “Terpene Spotlight: Terpinolene”

As public attention and research continue to explore all the potential benefits of hemp, many consumers are increasingly interested in cannabis’s active components beyond just CBD and THCTerpenes feature prominently in the discussion about how hemp smells and how it makes you feel. There are dozens of terpenes found in hemp flowers, and the most common terpene in hemp is Myrcene (“mur-seen“). 

In this post, we’ll discuss,

  • What Myrcene is, 
  • Where you can find it in nature, 
  • And what its potential benefits may be

Continue reading “Terpene Spotlight: Myrcene”

As CBD’s therapeutic effects grow in popularity, so too are the other parts of the hemp plant beyond cannabinoids. Cultivators and manufacturers are starting to shine a spotlight on terpenes. 

What are terpenes, and why do they matter? In this post, we’ll answer those questions and more like, 

  • What are terpenes made of?
  • How do terpenes make you feel?
  • Are terpenes good for you?

Continue reading “What Are Terpenes? Terpenes 101”