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What Are CBN Gummies and What Do They Do? [A Comprehensive Guide]

CBN Gummies are becoming a popular before-bed supplement. They’re advertised to help with your sleep quality and night pains. Are those claims all cannabis-industry hype? Or, is there a good reason that CBD brands are adding CBN-infused gummies to their product lineup?
In this post, we’ll try to cover everything you need to know about CBN Gummies.
What Are CBN Gummies?
CBN gummies are edible gummies infused with the cannabinol (CBN) cannabinoid. Full-spectrum CBN gummies will contain additional cannabinoids like CBD and THC. More often than not, you’ll find CBN gummies marketed online also infused with CBD, like Sunset Lake’s Sleep Gummies, for example.
You may also find CBN gummies manufactured exclusively with CBN isolate. They shouldn’t contain any additional cannabinoids.
You can determine if your gummies contain any additional cannabinoids by reading your third-party COA. A COA, short for “certificate of analysis,” is a lab document that will list our relevant cannabinoids, concentrations, and more. COAs are technical documents and can be a bit confusing at first glance. If you’re having trouble making sense of yours, please see our guide about how to read your COA here.

What Is CBN?
CBN, short for cannabinol, is one of the more than 100 naturally occurring cannabinoids produced by cannabis plants. CBN is more of a unique cannabinoid than most, though, mainly because it’s a by-product of delta-9 THC oxidation.
Like other cannabinoids, CBN is fat-soluble and can be infused into oils, edibles, and topicals. However, unlike other cannabinoids, CBN is found in exceedingly small concentrations in nature.
What Do CBN Gummies Do?
CBN is a still relatively new cannabinoid, but there are a few studies that suggest taking CBN-infused gummies may help with:
Because of FDA restrictions, most companies will market their CBN-infused gummies as promoting better sleep. If any company makes what the government considers health claims, that company may face fines.
How Do They Work?
CBN gummies work much like CBD gummies do. As with most ingestable supplements, you need to give your CBN gummies some time to take effect. They need to reach your intestines before the active ingredients enter your bloodstream.
Once they do, the CBN inside will enter your bloodstream and bind with the CB1 receptors in your endocannabinoid system.
How Do You Take CBN Gummies To Sleep?
After taking a CBN gummy, average users should begin to feel the effects between 30 and 120 minutes later. This is in line with what we know about other cannabinoid-infused edibles and their onset effects.
If you’re supplementing with CBN for sleep, try to take your gummy at least one hour before your desired bedtime. This will give the cannabinol time to enter your bloodstream and make you feel drowsy.
A word of caution for new users: avoid stacking your doses. That means don’t take a CBN gummy, wait 10 minutes, and take another gummy. This is especially true for full-spectrum products and products infused with melatonin. Taking too much melatonin can make you restless and make it harder for you to fall asleep.
The same is true of CBN gummies that contain hemp-derived THC. Too much THC can trigger some unwanted side effects and make it harder for you to get to sleep.
Will CBN Gummies Change How I Sleep?
Taking CBN gummies, especially those formulated to also contain CBD, will likely not change how you sleep. For instance, CBN gummies won’t change the amount of sleep you require to feel refreshed. You should still strive for your recommended 7 to 8 hours of unbroken sleep every night.
CBN is a naturally occurring and gentle substance. Taking CBN gummies will not knock you into a semi-coma for the night. CBN gummies will help you relax mentally and physically, hopefully making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
We should also note that CBN will not cure or treat sleep disorders or sleep issues. You may find relief or notice improved sleep quality after taking CBN gummies, but that doesn’t mean that it will work for everyone.
Will CBN Gummies Make You Groggy In The Morning?
Because CBN gummies are a sleep aid, whether or not you feel groggy after you take them depends on a few factors, like
- Your dosage
- How long before bed you take your gummies
- If they are full-spectrum or not
- Whether or not they contain melatonin
- Factors unique to your own body
To avoid feeling groggy, we recommend starting slow and working your CBN dosage up gradually as needed. One of the benefits of CBN gummies is their consistent dosing. If you notice that a full gummy one hour before bed makes you feel groggy, take one-half of a gummy 90 minutes before bed. Dosing yourself with CBN (and any cannabinoids) is about trial and error and finding your sweet spot.
We do not recommend taking CBN gummies during the day, especially if they contain CBD and/or melatonin. Gummies that contain both CBN and CBD are more likely to induce drowsiness. Melatonin, likewise, will lead to feelings of drowsiness if taken during the day.
Do CBN Gummies Make You Hungry?
In other words, will taking CBN gummies give you the nighttime munchies?
Some studies do suggest that CBN can act as an effective appetite stimulant. And while CBN is the oxidized byproduct of THC, it likely won’t give you the overwhelming urge to snack.
Can You Take Melatonin With CBN?
Sunset Lake CBD’s Sleep Gummies combine both CBD and CBN with the sleep aid, melatonin. While CBN studies are still in progress, no research as of this writing suggests that mixing CBN with melatonin is in any way harmful.
What’s the Difference Between CBN and CBD?
CBN is similar to CBD, but they are different cannabinoids. While both are thought to help manage sleep and pain, the main differences between CBN and CBD include:
How CBN and CBD Interact With Your Body
CBN and CBD interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) but do it differently. CBN binds with your ECS’s CB1 and CB2 receptors, albeit weakly.
CBD, on the other hand, doesn’t bind your ECS’s receptors at all. Instead, CBD protects and facilitates the uptake of beneficial cannabinoids. Picture CBD as the crossing guard for your ECS, making sure everything safely gets to where it needs to be.
Where The Cannabinoids Come From
CBN comes from the breakdown of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) via a process called oxidation. When we expose THC to heat, UV light, or oxygen, it breaks down into CBN.
CBDa is an acidic cannabinoid produced by mature and flowering hemp plants. When exposed to heat, CBDa drops its acidic carboxyl ring and becomes CBD.
Some CBD Medications are FDA-Approved
Even though CBN was the first cannabinoid to be isolated in a lab setting, studies into its uses are behind. We shouldn’t expect to see any major studies on CBN to come out for a few years.
CBD research is further along, and at least one FDA-approved medication is on the market today. Epidiolex is an anti-seizure medication given to patients with rare forms of epilepsy.
CBN Gummies: Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Mix CBN and CBD Gummies?
Yes, you can mix CBN and CBD gummies. Doing so may enhance your desired effects via something called the “entourage effect.”
You experience the entourage effect when you take multiple cannabinoids. The theory is that the cannabinoids produced by hemp and cannabis plants work better when taken together, rather than isolated.
Can You Mix CBN With Other Supplements?
CBN gummies and cannabinoids have a safe toxicity profile and will usually mix well with other supplements. But to be sure, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist.
The statement above does not apply to prescription drugs. You must consult a doctor if you take medications and plan on adding any cannabinoid-infused product to your nighttime routine.
What Does CBN Stand For?
We field this question quite a bit. CBN is an abbreviation for cannabinol. Canna-Bi-Nol.
We use the same naming scheme for most cannabinoids. CBD is short for Canna-Bi-Diol.
Are There Any Side Effects?
As of this writing, we don’t know of any long-term side effects associated with using CBN gummies. That doesn’t mean that side effects don’t exist.
Based on what we know about CBD, we will make an educated guess that misuse of CBN gummies may cause:
- Changes in appetite
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Upset Stomach
Are CBN Gummies Habit-Forming?
CBN, as of this writing, has no known addictive properties, making it a gentle and natural nighttime supplement.
On-and-off CBN consumption before bed can lead to inconsistent sleep patterns, though.
Will They Interact With My Medications?
CBN is known to interact with certain medications. You should talk to your pharmacist before adding any cannabinoids to your nighttime routine.
How Many Should I Take?
That depends on the strength of the gummy and your tolerance. Always read your product labels and your certificates of analysis.
We here at Sunset Lake CBD recommend starting with a low dose and adjusting your dosage as needed.
Will They Show Up On a Drug Test?
CBN, like CBD, does not contain any THC and should not trigger a drug test. However, because CBN is so similar to THC, its metabolites (what your body produces after it’s done with the CBN) may trigger a drug test.
We would recommend exercising caution before using any CBN products if you are subject to workplace screenings.
Read more: Does CBD show up on drug tests?
Are They Legal?
Yes, CBN gummies are legal, but only if the CBN is derived from hemp plants that contain less than 0.3% THC. Otherwise, the USDA will consider your gummies a marijuana product.
The Wrapup
CBN gummies offer a tasty, pre-dosed option for folks looking to improve the quality and quantity of their sleep. If you’re thinking of trying them, please reach out to us. Sunset Lake CBD carries our best-selling Sleep Gummies infused with CBN and Melatonin in sample packs.
Before you buy any CBN or CBD products, you should also do some research about the farm and company you’re purchasing from. Always ask for test results.
July 8th, 2024
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