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Can You Smoke Hemp?

It’s a common question we get from potential customers and lookie-loos alike: Can you smoke hemp? The short answer is yes. Just like traditional THC cannabis that you may be familiar with, hemp, and specifically slow-cured hemp buds, are perfect for smoking.
In this post, we’ll talk about,
- The benefits of smoking hemp
- How hemp is different than marijuana
- What parts of the hemp plant you can smoke
- And more…
Can You Smoke Hemp?
Thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, you can smoke as much hemp as you want. While it might not be the most inconspicuous way to consume hemp’s beneficial cannabinoids, smoking hemp does present its own unique benefits.
Benefits of Smoking Hemp
Increased Bioavailability
As opposed to eating or sublingual ingestion, smoking hemp increases the cannabinoid’s bioavailability by up to 50%.
Smoking Hemp Works Quickly
Smoking hemp is one of the fastest ways to get hemp’s cannabinoids into your bloodstream. When you combust hemp and inhale, cannabinoids make contact with your lung tissue and enter your bloodstream almost immediately.
Smoking Hemp Is Affordable
Of all the ways to consume hemp and hemp-derived products, smoking hemp flowers is one of the most affordable ways to do so. This is mainly because hemp flower requires less labor and capital to produce than products made with hemp extracts.
Is It Harmful to Smoke Hemp?
Smoking any substance comes with risks. When you smoke any plant material, tars and carcinogens will inevitably make contact with your throat and lungs.
Is Smoking Hemp Safer than Smoking Tobacco?
While we have yet to determine how smoking hemp impacts long-term health outcomes, we can say that unadulterated smokable hemp doesn’t contain nicotine— tobacco’s addictive substance. Nor does hemp contain the long list of chemicals commonly found in tobacco cigarettes.
Common Questions About Smoking Hemp
How Can You Smoke Hemp?
You can smoke hemp just as you would any other dried plant material, whether you prefer joints, prerolls, or pipes.
If you’re growing your own hemp plants with the express goal of smoking them you should know that there are some parts of the plant that are more desirable to smoke than others.
Is Hemp Marijuana?
Hemp is not, legally speaking, marijuana. You can read more about that distinction here. Essentially, hemp is cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC by dry weight, whereas marijuana is cannabis that contains more than 03% THC by dry weight.
Does Hemp Contain CBD?
Smokable hemp flower will contain CBD. Generally, hemp flower will either contain one of two main cannabinoids— CBD, CBG, or sometimes both. You can figure out how much CBD is in your hemp flower by looking at your flower’s certificate of analysis.
Does Hemp Contain THC?
Most hemp flower contains trace amounts of THC or THCa which, when smoked, will convert into active THC. To figure out how much THC is present in your flower, look at your certificate of analysis.
Can You Smoke Hemp To Get High?
This is a tricky question to answer. Hemp’s main active ingredient CBD is non-psychoactive and non-intoxicating. That said, smokable hemp does contain trace amounts of THC, and depending on your sensitivity and the amount of hemp that you smoke, you could conceivably feel intoxicated.
Can Smoking Hemp Show Up On A Drug Test?
Smoking hemp can show up on a drug test. It depends on the precision of the test and the type of test, but you should err on the side of caution. The trace amounts of THC in hemp flower can add up quickly and show up on standard drug tests.
Read more: CBD and drug testing
Takeaways: Can You Smoke Hemp?
If you’re looking for an affordable and efficient CBD delivery system, smoking hemp may be your best bet. Be aware that there are some drawbacks, like the smell and the fact that smoking anything isn’t the best for your lungs. If that’s a big hangup for you, consider vaping hemp. You’ll get all of the benefits of smoking hemp without the harsh drawbacks of combustion.