A woman giving CBD oil to her cat with a dropper. Text reads "Give your cat CBD oil in 5 easy steps"

Giving your cat CBD oil can be tricky. For one, most cats don’t appreciate it when you stick a glass dropper in their mouths, and two, the bitter taste leaves a bit to be desired. Rest assured, though, CBD’s benefits are worth the hassle.

In this guide, we’ll take you through giving your cat CBD oil and make the process as painless as possible. 

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a careful combination of carrier oil, like olive or MCT oil, and extracted from CBD-rich hemp flowers. Because hemp extract is soluble in oil, we can dilute it to a preferred potency. 

Unlike THC, the active ingredient in CBD oil (cannabidiol) will not make you or your cat intoxicated. Instead, it may help your cat manage pain, anxiety, and inflammation symptoms. 

Step 1. Choosing the Right CBD Oil for Your Cat

To pick the best CBD oil for your cat, you’ll want to either:

  1. Ask your veterinarian for their suggestion.
  2. Look for CBD oils labeled as “pet formula.” Sometimes, you may have better luck looking if you search “CBD drops for cats” or “CBD tincture for cats.” You may see listings for hemp oil for cats. Avoid these; “hemp oils” likely don’t contain any CBD.

Once you find a promising product, look for third-party potency and purity testing documents. They should look similar to this.

If you’re satisfied with the product and its testing documents, order the product and wait for it to arrive at your door.

Step 2: Create a Dosing Schedule

While you wait for your CBD oil to arrive, make a dosing schedule for your feline friend. Approach it as you would any other medication. CBD, like some other natural aids, works best when taken consistently. For the first few weeks, you should plan on giving your cat CBD oil at the same time every day. 

There isn’t a consensus yet about the best milligram dose for cats. At Sunset Lake CBD, we recommend starting with a lower dose and adjusting upwards as needed.

To start, give your cat 1-2mg of CBD for every 10 lbs. of body weight. For example, if your cat weighs 17 pounds, start them in the 1.7 – 3.4mg range. Plan on sticking with this dose for two weeks before adjusting it up.

You may see other advice online that says start your cat on 2-4mg per 10 lbs. Either is fine. Just be aware that higher levels of CBD are more likely to cause unwanted side effects.

Step 3. Administering CBD Oil

You have your dosing schedule and CBD oil in hand; it’s time to start administering CBD. You can attempt to put the dose directly into your cat’s mouth, but that won’t work for all cats. Some won’t like the flavor, and some simply won’t like your intrusion. If you’re looking for ways to dose your cat and not catch any scratch marks in the process, we’ve got some tips:

  • Mix it with food – Mixing CBD oil into your cat’s food will be one of the easiest methods. We recommend adding it to your cat’s wet food to mask the CBD oil’s smell. You can also try dabbing it onto potent-smelling soft treats for the same results.
  • Make better CBD oil – If your cat disagrees with the smell or flavor of your CBD oil, you can always mix CBD oil with salmon oil to make it more palatable. Because both your CBD oil and salmon oil are oil-based, you should be able to mix the two and create a tasty additive that your cat will love. We recommend doing this on a per-dose basis. If you pre-mix your bottles of CBD oil and salmon oil, you may make future dosing tricky. 
  • Make pre-dosed treats – If you’re feeling inspired, use CBD oil to make treats for your feline friend. You can use a dosing calculator to determine the amount of oil you want and how large the servings should be. If the treats require baking, don’t exceed temperatures over 356F, as any higher can break down CBD.
  • Apply to their paws – This tip comes straight from one of our awesome customers. If your cat will not take their CBD oil dose, you can try dabbing the back of their paws with oil. They’ll instinctively clean their paws and swallow their dose of oil.

Step 4. Monitor Your Cat for Changes

After you give your cat CBD, monitor them for any side effects. The CBD oil should start to take effect after one hour or so. Gastrointestinal distress is a common side effect in all new CBD users.

If your cat shows signs of discomfort, lethargy, or difficulty with coordination for an extended period, stop giving them CBD and consult your veterinarian.

Keep an eye on your cat for the first two weeks. After this initial acclimation period, you can relax your observation. If your cat doesn’t exhibit any negative side effects during the first few weeks, you’re likely in the clear.

Step 5. Adjusting Dosage

After the initial two-week acclimation period, feel free to start adjusting your cat’s CBD dosage. If your cat has a chronic condition, you may want to adjust their dosage upwards and consider dosing them multiple times a day. Twice daily and heavier dosing can provide more reliable relief. Below, we’ll offer some advice about dosing for specific conditions. Please note that this isn’t official medical advice. Please consult your veterinarian for personalized advice.

Dosing for Situational Conditions

  • Travel – If you plan on using CBD to help your cat travel more comfortably, you can plan on dosing them before you plan on traveling. One hour before packing them into their cat carrier should be sufficient.
  • Anxiety/ Calm – If your cat suffers from anxiety or just can’t seem to calm down, you can move them up to two doses per day. Stick with the lower dosage level for a few weeks, though. You’ll need to let the CBD build up in their system before you notice any difference in your cat’s disposition.
  • Relaxing/ Sleep – If you have a cat that struggles with sleep and lounging (two cat behavior staples), try adjusting their once-daily dose upwards. A larger full-spectrum CBD dose once per day should help your cat find some relief and get some much-needed rest.

Dosing for Chronic Conditions

  • Chronic Pain – If your cat suffers from chronic pain due to another condition, CBD may help them better manage it. After getting your cat acclimated to its daily CBD dose, adjust your cat’s CBD dosage and dosing frequency until you’re satisfied with the results. Ultimately, you know your cat the best and will be able to tell how much CBD they need to feel relief.
  • Arthritis – If your older cat suffers from arthritis and all of the symptoms that come along with that, you can keep them consistently medicated with twice-daily dosing.
  • Seizures – While there aren’t any published studies about feline epilepsy and CBD use, we can extrapolate based on human and canine seizures. Once your cat is acclimated to their dosage, increase their dosing frequency to twice daily. A constant CBD dosage may be able to decrease seizure frequency and intensity.


Is CBD safe for cats?

CBD is generally considered safe for cats. It’s a non-lethal cannabinoid that your cat cannot fatally overdose on. At worst, your cat may experience side effects like upset stomach, lethargy, and loss of coordination. 

Does CBD make cats sleepy?

CBD can make your cat sleepy. One of the side effects of full-spectrum CBD oil is lethargy and fatigue. If you notice your cat sleeping more than usual, you can decrease their dosage.

Is hemp oil safe for cats?

Hemp oil is safe for cats, just as CBD oil is. Beware, though, that CBD oil and hemp oil are not the same. Hemp oil is oil made from cold-pressing hemp seeds and contains no cannabinoids.

Can I give my cat too much CBD oil?

You can give your cat too much CBD oil. Doing so may lead to more unwanted side effects. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage amounts and schedule. If you’re unsure of those guidelines or want to be safe, consult your veterinarian for help.

How long does CBD take to work on cats?

Your cat’s CBD oil should take effect in 30-60 minutes. This can vary, though, if your cat is older, larger, or recently eaten, as these factors will influence digestion.
