Special Sauce CBD Flower

One ounce jar of Special Sauce hemp flower from Sunset Lake CBD

Special Sauce hemp flower is one of the most well-rounded strains in Sunset Lake CBD’s hemp flower lineup. This year’s cultivar tests at 14.9% total CBD, and comes bearing gifts in the form of a well-rounded terpene profile.

Special Sauce CBD flower is a hybrid strain that will impress anyone with its subtle vanilla aroma. Great for any time use, Special Sauce CBD flower is, as its name suggests, special.

Special Sauce CBD flower has been around for quite a while, winning several awards including 2nd place in the 2019 Oregon Growers Cup, 2nd place in the 2020 Judges Favorite Golden Grow Awards, and 2nd place in the 2020 Cultivation Classic.

Special Sauce CBD Genetics

Special Sauce (Original Strain) x Early Resin Berry (ERB)

Special Sauce CBD is a strain from Oregon CBD seeds. Like many other CBD flower strains, Special Sauce can trace its roots back to high-yielding marijuana cultivars. Over time, the team over in Oregon has bred the THC out of this strain and crossbred plants with higher CBD content. This technique has created bigger, high-CBD buds that look, smell, and smoke like traditional THC cannabis.

A macro of Special Sauce CBD Flower

2022 -2023 Growing Season Information

We germinated all Oregon CBD Seeds cultivars in mid-May in our main greenhouse in South Hero, Vermont. We used 2-inch trays filled with Happy Frog Potting Soil from Fox Farms. Once the Special Sauce CBD seedlings were big enough to transplant, we moved them to our fields. We cover our rows with biodegradable plastic to keep soil-born fungi and weeds at bay.

We did not use any pesticides or herbicides during germination, the growing, or the flowering phase. Instead, with guidance from the University of Vermont extension school, we used an integrated pest management system. We employed the use of Trichogramma parasitic wasps, assassin bugs, and ladybugs to control unwanted pests. We only used organic fertilizer that we secured from our main farm in Alburgh Vermont.

Special Sauce CBD Flower Test Results

To see current and past PDFs of our Special Sauce CBD Flower certificates of analysis, please click here.
Cannabinoid Weight (%) Concentration (mg/g)
Delta-9 THC 0.045 0.45
CBD 0.391 3.91
CBG 0.093 0.93
CBC 0.045 0.44
THCa 0.618 6.18
CBDa 16.6 166
CBGa 0.533 5.33
CBDVa 0.065 0.65
Delta-8 THC ND ND
Total 18.4 184
Max THC 0.587 5.87
Max CBD 14.9 149

See the official certificate of analysis here.


Terpene Concentration (%)
alpha-pinene 0.0746
camphene 0.0038
beta-myrcene 0.705
beta-pinene 0.0449
delta-3-carene ND
alpha-terpinene ND
Ocimene-1 0.0021
D-limonene 0.0938
p-cymene ND
Ocimene-2 0.0454
eucalyptol ND
gamma-terpinene ND
terpinolene 0.0027
linalool 0.0214
isopulegol 0.0020
geraniol ND
beta-caryophyllene 0.274
humulene 0.0875
guaiol <LOQ

See the full certificate of analysis here. 

Special Sauce CBD Dominant Terpenes

Special Sauce CBD Flower is a myrcene-dominant cultivar. Of the total terpene content of 1.4% by dry weight, myrcene accounts for more than half of that. Myrcene is known for its sedating effects, especially when combined with CBD and other cannabinoids. It’s a terpene also commonly found in mangos and thyme.

Beta-caryophyllene is Special Sauce’s next most prevalent terpene. It’s also one of the only terpenes that directly interacts with your endocannabinoid system, making it both a terpene and a cannabinoid. Beta-caryophyllene has been studied for its anti-inflammatory properties and can also be found in black pepper and cinnamon.

Special Sauce’s third dominant terpene is humulene, named after Humulus lupulus and found in high concentrations in the Hops plant. Humulene has exhibited some antifungal and antibacterial properties in lab settings.

Frequently Asked Questions About Special Sauce CBD Flower

What Strain Is Special Sauce?

Special Sauce is Oregon CBD Seeds’ flagship strain. It’s a unique bud with a great structure that produces an otherworldly smell and taste profile.

Beware of any Special Sauce CBD flower that claims to be from a breeder other than Oregon CBD Seeds— they’ve never shared proprietary genetics.

What Does Special Sauce Smell Like?

Special Sauce has a sweet vanilla odor with hints of caramelized sugar. The real pleasure of Special Sauce is the taste— earthy, with subtle savory and fruity notes.

Is Special Sauce CBD Indica or Sativa?

Special Sauce CBD flower is a hybrid cross. It takes the best of both worlds, you’ll feel relaxed but not incapacitated and focused without feeling overly energetic.

How Does Special Sauce CBD Make You Feel?

Special Sauce CBD is a context flower meaning that you ultimately control how it affects you. Don’t take our word for it though. Check out these two reviews from our customers. (You can find more Special Sauce CBD reviews here.)


I love this particular strain because it’s great at night before sleep. I’ve also used it during the day when I knew that I wanted to take a nap. This is a great product for anyone that has trouble sleeping at night.

Jason M.

The special sauce is really, really good. Puts me in a nice calm and happy mood. The shipping was quick and the product is of great quality and price range. Thank you. I will be back for more…

Does Special Sauce Get You High?

Smoking Sunset Lake CBD’s Special Sauce CBD flower will not make you feel high or intoxicated.

To be considered hemp flower and not marijuana, smokable hemp must contain less than 0.3% delta-9 THC by dry weight. Instead of feeling high, as you would with traditional marijuana, you might feel much more relaxed or chilled when you smoke Special Sauce CBD.

How Do You Smoke Lifter CBD?

You can consume Special Sauce CBD Flower in many different ways. You can turn the small buds into infused oil or butter in order to make edibles. You can also purchase Sunset Lake CBD’s hand-trimmed Special Sauce buds or prerolls and smoke/vape them.

Sunset Lake CBD’s Special Sauce Reviews

My husband and I have tried many of the flowers, kiefs and smalls and Hawaiian Haze and Lifter are particular faves. Cherry is perfect before bedtime but nothing is as wonderful as this Special Sauce. It’s the tallest flower in the crop. We appreciate the Sunset Lake family and the Majority Report podcast Gang for introducing us to CeBeDe therapy.

My order arrived today…never tried anything like this before,,,very pleased and surprised…..I have now become a believer and will monthly subscribe going forward after my initial order…thanks guys!!

I love this particular strain because it’s great at night before sleep. I’ve also used it during the day when I knew that I wanted to take a nap. This is a great product for anyone that has trouble sleeping at night.

These give just the mild buzz and no anxiety I had always wanted from regular cannabis. On top of that, I grabbed a similar product from a local shop and the quality difference was day and night. Not only was that $10 for just one joint, it had a terrible taste, too. You could tell the flower was inferior to Sunset Lake from a mile away. Sunset Lake will be my go-to from now on, no question. Left is Best!

Im really sensitive to marijuana & delta9. Tried these out as i also like cbd gummies for sleep. These blunts give you like a melt ur worries away buzz. Its sort of like the feeling you get when youre really tired and chilly and then someone wraps u in a nice blanket. You feel like “finally.” Calming but not to the point where youll fall straight to sleep- but that wouldnt be a problem either if its ur desire. Basically its a perfectly balanced feeling of peace. Ordering again.
