CBN, as a cannabinoid, has been around for decades. Still, it’s just now getting its moment in the spotlight—or should we say it’s getting infused into a whole basket full of sleep-aid products. CBN oil can help you quiet your racing thoughts and ease into bed when used properly.

In this post, we’re going to cover:

  • What CBN oil is
  • What CBN’s potential benefits are
  • How to take it to help with sleep
  • And address some of the internet’s most common questions

What is CBN Oil?

CBN oil is an oil, usually MCT, that’s been infused with the cannabinoid CBN, shorthand for cannabinol. CBN oil can also contain other ingredients, which we’ll discuss in more detail later in this post. CBN is created when THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, breaks down due to exposure to light and air. Despite its origin, CBN is not psychoactive, making it a popular choice for those seeking therapeutic benefits without the high associated with THC.

CBN oil is often derived from industrial hemp plants to comply with legal standards. This ensures that the oil contains minimal THC, typically less than 0.3%, making it non-psychoactive and legal in many regions. However, it’s always advisable to check local regulations as they can vary significantly.

The Spectrum of CBN Oil

CBN oil can come in three distinct varieties: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate-based. Understanding these varieties can help you choose the right product for your needs:

  • Full-spectrum: Contains all cannabinoids present in the cannabis/hemp plant at harvest, including trace amounts of THC. This type of oil takes advantage of the “entourage effect,” where multiple cannabinoids work together to enhance therapeutic benefits.
  • Broad-spectrum: This is full-spectrum CBN oil with THC cannabinoids removed. It still provides the entourage effect but without any THC.
  • Isolate-based: Made with a carrier oil and isolated CBN. No other cannabinoids should be present. This is ideal for those who want to avoid THC altogether or are subject to drug testing.

To determine the type of CBN oil you’re considering, look at its third-party certificates of analysis. These lab documents will show which cannabinoids are in your product and at what concentrations. This transparency helps ensure you are getting a product that meets your needs and preferences.

What Does CBN Oil Do?

CBN is still a relatively understudied cannabinoid, but there have been a few non-FDA studies that suggest it may help with:

  • Promoting Sleep: One of the most touted benefits of CBN oil is its potential to aid in sleep. It is believed to have sedative properties, making it a popular choice for those struggling with insomnia or other sleep disorders.
  • Pain Management: Some users report that CBN oil helps alleviate chronic pain and inflammation, offering a natural alternative to over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers.
  • Appetite Stimulation: While not as potent as THC in this regard, CBN may help increase appetite, which can be beneficial for individuals dealing with conditions that cause a loss of appetite.
  • Nausea Relief: Similar to other cannabinoids, CBN may help reduce nausea, making it useful for those undergoing treatments like chemotherapy.
  • Localized Immune Response: CBN may also support the immune system, although more research is needed to confirm these effects.

How Do You Take CBN Oil for Sleep?

Of the potential benefits listed above, promoting sleep is CBN’s biggest selling point. While calling CBN a guaranteed sleep aid would be misleading, there are ways that you can work CBN oil into your sleep routine.

  • Sublingual | Est. Time to Effect: 15 Minutes
    The first and faster way of taking CBN oil requires filling up your dropper, assuming your product comes with a dropper bulb and pipette. Fill the pipette to your desired dosage and put the oil under your tongue. Let the oil sit there for about 20 seconds before you swallow. This method is called sublingual ingestion.
    Because the membrane is so thin under your tongue, CBN can enter your bloodstream more quickly here than in your digestive system. This rapid absorption can help you feel the effects sooner, making it easier to drift off to sleep.
  • Consuming | Est. Time to Effect: 45 Minutes
    The second, more gradual way to take CBN oil is to swallow your desired dosage directly or put it in a beverage. Without letting the oil sit under your tongue, you’ll force the CBN in your oil to enter your bloodstream more slowly.
    The added benefit of slower absorption is that the effects of the cannabinoids should last longer than if you were to use your CBN oil sublingually. This can be particularly useful if you tend to wake up in the middle of the night, as the effects may help you stay asleep longer.

Will CBN Oil Change How You Sleep?

Adding CBN oil to your sleep schedule isn’t likely to change how you sleep fundamentally. As a naturally occurring substance, CBN is a gentle cannabinoid. It won’t turn you into someone who can sleep through your alarm, but it can help improve the quality of your sleep.

CBN will allow your body and mind to relax so that you can fall asleep more easily. By reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, it can help you achieve a more restful sleep. However, individual responses can vary, so it’s important to find the right dosage and method of ingestion that works for you.

Will CBN Oil Make You Groggy in the Morning?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Waking up groggy is a function of many different factors, including where in your sleep cycle you wake up.

Grogginess after taking CBN oil can depend on your dosage, when you took your dose before bed, and the presence of other cannabinoids. Starting with a lower dose and adjusting gradually can help minimize the risk of morning grogginess. Additionally, experimenting with different ingestion methods and timing can help you find the optimal routine for your needs.

Can CBN Oil Make You Hungry?

There is some evidence that suggests CBN can be an effective appetite stimulant. If your question is more, will taking CBN oil turn you into a midnight fridge raider—probably not.

CBN and full-spectrum CBD products may affect your appetite, but not in the way that THC products give you the “munchies.” Instead, CBN may help regulate your appetite, making it beneficial for those with conditions that affect their ability to eat regularly.

Can You Mix Melatonin and CBN Oil?

You can mix melatonin with CBN and cannabinoid products in general. Sunset Lake CBD sells melatonin-infused sleep products and CBN products that are melatonin-free.

As of this writing, no studies suggest mixing CBN and melatonin is harmful or counterproductive. Combining these two supplements may enhance their sleep-promoting effects, providing a more comprehensive approach to managing sleep issues.

Frequently Asked CBN Oil Questions

  1. Are There Any Side Effects?
    Because federal agencies stifled cannabinoid research for so long, CBN-specific research is in its infancy. We don’t know much about the long-term side effects of CBN use, but we can extrapolate based on what we know about CBD. Side effects of full-spectrum CBD use may include changes in appetite, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and upset stomach.
  2. Is CBN Habit-Forming?
    As of this writing, CBN has no known addictive properties. It is a gentle cannabinoid that may have potential nighttime benefits. Inconsistent use, however, may lead to disrupted sleep patterns. Regular, consistent use is recommended for the best results.
  3. Does It Interact with Medications?
    CBN, and cannabinoids in general, do interact with certain medications in the statin class (and others). You should talk to your doctor and pharmacist before adding any cannabinoids to your nighttime routine. This is particularly important if you are on medications that affect your liver, as cannabinoids are metabolized in the liver.
  4. Will CBN Oil Show Up on a Drug Test?
    Your product may trigger a positive drug test. If your CBN oil contains any THC or is labeled as “full-spectrum,” there is a good chance that it will register on a workplace drug screening. Isolate-based and broad-spectrum products should be fine. To learn more about cannabinoids and why some products show on drug tests, see our post about CBD and drug tests here.
  5. Is CBN Oil Psychoactive Like THC?
    Because CBN is the oxidated form of THC, it interacts with your endocannabinoid system in much the same way. Because CBN binds to your CB1 receptors, it is technically a psychoactive cannabinoid. That said, you are unlikely to experience the same kind of psychoactive effects that you would with a THC product. Think of CBN as causing drowsiness and relaxation rather than euphoria and time dilation.
  6. Is CBN Oil Legal?
    Depending on where you live, CBN oil may or may not exist in a legal gray area. Federally speaking, as long as CBN is derived from cannabinoids harvested from industrial hemp, it’s legal. However, state laws can vary, so it’s important to check local regulations to ensure compliance.

CBN oil offers a fast-acting and potent option for those seeking natural sleep supplements. Before purchasing, ensure the quality of the products by checking testing documents and reviews. Additionally, it’s wise to compare different products and brands to find the best option for your needs. With its potential benefits for sleep, pain management, and more, CBN oil could be a valuable addition to your wellness routine.



Cannabinoid products are continually evolving to meet the needs of a growing number of people. One such need is the quest for quality sleep, a challenge millions face daily (and nightly). While CBD oil was the initial go-to product, CBN is now gaining popularity as our understanding of cannabinoids deepens. In this post, we will cover CBN oil specifically and discuss:

  • The difference between full-spectrum and isolate CBN oil
  • The origins of CBN
  • Five key considerations before purchasing CBN oil

What is CBN Oil?

CBN oil is a carrier oil infused with CBN, which stands for cannabinol. Full-spectrum CBN oil contains additional cannabinoids like CBD and THC, while CBN isolate products contain only CBN without other cannabinoids. The type of CBN oil you choose can impact the effectiveness and experience you have with the product.

What is CBN?

CBN is one of over 100 naturally occurring chemicals—cannabinoids—produced by hemp and cannabis plants. Unlike other cannabinoids such as CBD and THC, CBN is an oxidized cannabinoid, created by breaking down delta-9 THC with oxygen and UV light. As a byproduct of THC, CBN is mildly psychoactive, commonly resulting in:

  • Relaxation
  • Sedation
  • A feeling of being weighted down
  • Mild fuzzy sensations in the limbs

CBN differs significantly from CBD, which is non-psychoactive, and THC, which is known for its strong psychoactive effects. This unique profile makes CBN a subject of interest for those looking for mild relaxation without intense psychoactive effects.

Is CBN a Better Sleep Aid Than CBD?

Determining which cannabinoid is better for sleep is challenging. Neither CBN nor CBD are effective sleep aids on their own. However, using full-spectrum products, which combine various cannabinoids, tends to be more effective than using CBN or CBD in isolation. This synergy, often referred to as the entourage effect, suggests that cannabinoids work better together than alone.

Comparing our page with competitors, it is essential to highlight the unique benefits of CBN oil in improving sleep quality. Competitors often emphasize the effectiveness of CBN in promoting deeper, more restful sleep, which appeals to consumers struggling with sleep disorders. It’s crucial to address these comparisons to ensure potential buyers are well-informed.

5 Things to Consider Before Buying CBN Oil

1. What Are Your Expectations for CBN Oil?

Before purchasing CBN oil, consider your expectations. If you seek a guaranteed sleep aid, CBN oil may not be the best choice. Instead, consult with a doctor about FDA-approved sleep aids. However, if you want a supplement to improve sleep hygiene and relaxation, CBN oil might be suitable.

Competitor pages often stress setting realistic expectations. For instance, many highlight that while CBN oil can aid relaxation, it may not provide instant results. Understanding that cannabinoid effects can vary from person to person is crucial in setting proper expectations.

2. Side Effects and Medication Interference

Consult your doctor or pharmacist about potential interactions between CBN oil and your medications. Although serious cannabinoid interactions are rare, they are possible. Be aware of CBN’s side effects, including changes in appetite, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and upset stomach. If side effects occur, discontinue use and consider trying CBN gummies instead.

Competitor websites frequently discuss the importance of being aware of potential side effects and how to manage them. This includes advising users to start with a lower dose to gauge their body’s reaction. Such detailed guidance can enhance user confidence and trust in the product.

3. Additional Ingredients

CBN oil often contains other sleep-aid ingredients like melatonin, St. John’s Wort, and peppermint. Check the ingredients to ensure they are suitable for you. Knowing the additional ingredients can help you avoid potential allergies and ensure that you are not consuming anything that could interfere with your health.

Competitors also emphasize transparency regarding ingredients, often providing detailed descriptions of how each ingredient can contribute to better sleep. This level of detail can be reassuring to consumers who are cautious about what they ingest.

4. Full Spectrum vs. Isolate

Determine whether the product is full-spectrum or isolate. Full-spectrum products contain additional cannabinoids, including trace amounts of THC, which might affect drug tests or government assistance eligibility. Always check the certificate of analysis.

Competitors often provide in-depth explanations of the benefits and drawbacks of both full-spectrum and isolate products. They highlight that while full-spectrum oils might be more effective due to the entourage effect, isolates are ideal for those who need to avoid THC entirely.

5. Look for Test Results

Due to the underregulated cannabinoid market, always request test results for the CBN oil you intend to buy. A certificate of analysis will provide information on the product’s potency, other cannabinoids present, and the latest test date.

Competitor sites frequently showcase their certificates of analysis prominently, ensuring transparency and trust. They also educate consumers on how to read these certificates, empowering them to make informed decisions.

Detailed Comparisons with Competitor Pages

Quality Assurance and Transparency

Our competitors place a strong emphasis on transparency and quality assurance. They provide extensive information about their sourcing, manufacturing processes, and third-party testing. To match this, we must highlight our commitment to high standards and transparency. Providing detailed insights into our quality control processes and the rigorous testing our products undergo can reassure potential buyers of our product’s safety and effectiveness.

Educational Content

Competitors often include educational content that explains the science behind CBN and its benefits in layman’s terms. They provide resources such as blogs, FAQs, and detailed product descriptions. By enhancing our content with similar educational resources, we can ensure that our audience is well-informed about the benefits and potential uses of CBN oil.

Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Customer testimonials and reviews play a crucial role in building trust. Competitor pages feature numerous positive reviews and success stories from satisfied customers. To compete effectively, we should encourage our customers to share their experiences and prominently display these testimonials on our site.

User Experience

Ease of navigation and a user-friendly interface are hallmarks of our competitors’ websites. They offer detailed product filters, easy checkout processes, and comprehensive customer support. Improving our website’s user experience can make it easier for potential buyers to find the information they need and make a purchase with confidence.

Product Variety

Competitors often provide a wide range of CBN products, including oils, gummies, capsules, and topicals. Offering a variety of product forms can cater to different customer preferences and needs, making it easier to attract a broader audience.


What is the difference between full-spectrum and isolate CBN oil?

  • Full-spectrum CBN oil contains various cannabinoids, including CBD and THC, whereas CBN isolate contains only CBN without any other cannabinoids.

What are the side effects of CBN oil?

  • Common side effects include changes in appetite, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and upset stomach.

Can CBN oil help with sleep?

  • CBN oil may help improve sleep hygiene and relaxation but is not a guaranteed sleep aid. It is often more effective when used as part of a full-spectrum product.

Should I consult a doctor before using CBN oil?

  • Yes, it’s advisable to consult with a doctor or pharmacist about potential interactions with your medications and to understand the possible side effects.

How can I verify the quality of CBN oil?

  • Always request a certificate of analysis from the manufacturer to check the product’s potency, cannabinoid content, and the date of the last test.

What does the “best by” date on your jar of hemp flower mean? Can the cannabinoids—the active ingredients inside—expire? The short answer is, yes, sort of. While the flower itself isn’t going to go bad for quite some time, the cannabinoids that you’re buying the flower for (whether CBD or THC) can oxidize and lose potency. Understanding cannabinoid oxidation and its factors is crucial to keeping your flower fresh and stable.

In this post, we’re going to cover:

  • What cannabinoid oxidation is
  • How oxidation changes THC and CBD
  • How to prevent your flower from oxidizing

What is Cannabinoid Oxidation?

Oxidation is a chemical process that occurs when cannabinoids are exposed to environmental factors, mainly air, UV light, and heat. Oxidation has more than a few definitions, but when we talk about organic compounds like cannabinoids, we mean that the cannabinoid is either losing hydrogen (H) atoms or gaining oxygen (O) atoms.

Understanding the oxidation process is essential for anyone using hemp or cannabis products. The stability of these products directly affects their efficacy, and knowing how to store them properly can make a significant difference in their longevity.

The Science Behind Oxidation

Oxidation is a common process that affects many organic compounds. In the case of cannabinoids, oxidation can lead to the degradation of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), two of the most well-known and studied cannabinoids. This degradation can result in the formation of new compounds, which may have different effects and benefits compared to the original cannabinoids.

Cannabinoid Oxidation is Not Decarboxylation

While heat can play a major role in both oxidation and decarboxylation, the two processes are not the same. Decarboxylation occurs when we use heat to make an acidic cannabinoid like CBDa drop its extra carboxyl ring group (COOH) and activate it so that our endocannabinoid system can use it.

Oxidation is a slower process and can happen to both acidic cannabinoids and activated cannabinoids (with much different results!). Understanding the distinction between these two processes is crucial for anyone looking to maximize the benefits of their hemp or cannabis products.

The Role of Heat in Cannabinoid Processing

Heat is an essential factor in both oxidation and decarboxylation. However, the effects of heat on cannabinoids vary depending on the temperature and duration of exposure. While decarboxylation typically requires higher temperatures over a shorter period, oxidation can occur at lower temperatures over a more extended period. This distinction highlights the importance of proper storage conditions to maintain the quality of your cannabinoids.

What Causes Cannabinoids to Oxidize?

Several environmental factors can cause the cannabinoids in your hemp to oxidize. Most of them relate to how you store your hemp.

UV Light Exposure

UV light can accelerate the oxidation process. When you expose hemp flower and cannabis to light, high-energy photons bombard the cannabinoids within and can break off hydrogen atoms. This exposure can significantly reduce the potency of your cannabinoids over time.

Air Exposure

Oxygen, like in the air we breathe (O₂), can also react with cannabinoids in your hemp flower. Cannabinoids, being organic compounds, can experience oxidative stress just like our bodies. This oxidative stress can lead to the breakdown of cannabinoids, resulting in a loss of potency and efficacy.

Learn more about how functional mushrooms can help reduce oxidative stress.

Excessive Heat

Higher temperatures can accelerate chemical reactions like oxidation. If your hemp or cannabis flower is exposed to heat (like in the trunk of your hot car), it may lose some potency! Heat increases the kinetic energy of molecules, which can lead to more frequent and intense reactions, including oxidation.

Related: Can CBD Oil Expire?

Humidity and Moisture

In addition to UV light, air, and heat, humidity and moisture can also impact the stability of cannabinoids. Excess moisture can create an environment conducive to mold growth, which can further degrade the quality of your hemp or cannabis flower. Keeping your product dry and in a controlled environment is essential for maintaining its integrity.

Oxidized Cannabinoids: THC and CBD

The two best-known cannabinoids, THC and CBD, are both sensitive to oxidation and can turn into different cannabinoids altogether.

THC Oxidation: Drop the “TH”

When we expose THC to the elements, it can oxidize and turn into cannabinol (CBN). This transformation not only affects THC’s psychoactive properties, but CBN can also counteract some of the unwanted side effects of THC consumption.

THC (C₂₁H₃₀O₂) > oxidation > CBN (C₂₁H₂₆O₂)

CBN isn’t necessarily a bad byproduct, though. Some research suggests that this unique cannabinoid may have a host of benefits all on its own. We here at Sunset Lake have combined CBN together with CBD to make our best-selling CBN-infused Sleep Gummies, as it’s believed that the two together with melatonin can help get you to bed.

Sunset Lake CBD Sleep Gummies with CBN (oxidized THC) and CBD on a blue background

CBD Oxidation: Add a “Q”

Unlike THC and CBN, when we expose CBD to the elements, it can oxidize into hydroxyquinone (HU-331) and potentially other cannabinoids we have yet to isolate and discover.

CBD (C₂₁H₃₀O₂) > oxidation > HU-331 (C₂₁H₂₈O₃)

HU-331 is a fascinating molecule that’s been shown to have an effect against oncogenic human cells. Without getting too much into the medical nitty-gritty, let’s just say cancer researchers should pay some extra attention to CBD oxidation and all of the derivatives it produces.

The Impact of Oxidation on Cannabinoid Efficacy

The transformation of cannabinoids through oxidation can significantly impact their efficacy. While some oxidized cannabinoids may retain beneficial properties, others may not be as effective. Understanding these changes can help users make informed decisions about their hemp and cannabis products.

How to Slow Cannabinoid Oxidation

Because oxidation is also a function of time, it’s important to note that we can’t stop the process completely. That said, there’s plenty you can do to slow down the process and protect your cannabinoids.

Airtight Containers

When choosing storage containers for your hemp or cannabis flower, choose a container with an airtight seal like a mason jar with a matching top or rubberized Tupperware. These containers can help minimize exposure to oxygen and other environmental factors that can accelerate oxidation.

In the Dark

If your chosen container is see-through, you’ll also want to store your flower in a dark place away from natural light. Better yet, you can store your flower in an opaque container in the dark. Reducing exposure to UV light can significantly slow the oxidation process and preserve the potency of your cannabinoids.

Cool Places

Keep your cannabis and hemp flower in places with cool, stable temperatures. That means don’t store it in your car trunk or your bathroom’s medicine cabinet. Instead, store your airtight, opaque containers in a basement or air-conditioned closet. Temperature stability is key to maintaining the quality of your cannabinoids over time.

Humidity Control

Using humidity control packs can help maintain the ideal moisture level in your storage containers. These packs can absorb excess moisture or release moisture as needed to keep your hemp or cannabis flower in optimal condition. Proper humidity control can prevent mold growth and further degradation of your product.

Regular Monitoring

Regularly check your stored hemp or cannabis flower for signs of degradation. Look for changes in color, smell, and texture, which can indicate oxidation or other issues. Early detection can help you take corrective actions to preserve your product’s quality.

The Benefits of Proper Storage

Proper storage of hemp and cannabis products can extend their shelf life and preserve their potency. By understanding the factors that contribute to oxidation and taking steps to mitigate them, you can ensure that your cannabinoids remain effective for as long as possible.

Comparing Storage Techniques

Different storage techniques can have varying impacts on the stability of cannabinoids. For example, vacuum sealing and refrigeration can offer additional protection against oxidation. Comparing these methods can help you determine the best approach for your specific needs.

Long-Term Storage Solutions

For those looking to store hemp or cannabis products for extended periods, consider using vacuum-sealed bags or investing in a dedicated storage solution. These methods can provide an extra layer of protection against environmental factors that contribute to oxidation.


What is cannabinoid oxidation?

  • Cannabinoid oxidation is a chemical process where cannabinoids lose hydrogen atoms or gain oxygen atoms when exposed to environmental factors like air, UV light, and heat.

How does oxidation affect THC and CBD?

  • Oxidation can transform THC into cannabinol (CBN), altering its psychoactive properties. CBD can oxidize into hydroxyquinone (HU-331), which may have unique biological effects.

What can cause cannabinoids to oxidize?

  • Cannabinoids can oxidize due to exposure to UV light, air, excessive heat, and humidity. Proper storage can mitigate these factors.

How can I prevent my hemp flower from oxidizing?

  • Store your hemp flower in airtight containers, keep it in the dark, maintain it in cool, stable temperatures, and control humidity levels to slow down oxidation.

Is oxidized THC or CBD harmful?

  • Oxidized cannabinoids like CBN and HU-331 are not necessarily harmful and may have unique benefits. However, they do differ in properties from their non-oxidized forms.

A full night’s rest isn’t something you should leave up to chance. But with so many cannabis retailers out there selling CBN nighttime drops or CBN gummies, how can you be confident in the CBN you’re buying? Don’t worry—we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on what to look for when you’re ready to buy CBN online, ensuring you get the best quality product.

In this post, we’ll cover:

  • Website green flags
  • Social media scouting
  • Verified reviews

Buy CBN Online from a Reputable Website

Buying CBN from a reputable online retailer may sound simple, but because cannabinoids are still very much the wild, wild west regarding regulation and rules, finding a retailer you can trust is tough. It’s essential to understand what differentiates a trustworthy seller from a potentially shady one.

Website Smell Test

Think of an eCommerce store as a salesperson. The first question you should ask yourself is: can I trust them? For many, it’s a gut reaction. Trust your instincts. If the CBN vendor’s website doesn’t look trustworthy, don’t bother with them.

Some red flags to look for are:

  • Popups trying to take you to a new site: This can be a sign of malicious intent or an unreliable business.
  • Poor-quality images or stock images: Quality images usually indicate the business has invested in showcasing its product correctly.
  • Typos on the homepage: Carelessness in presentation often reflects carelessness in business practices.
  • Explicit health claims about CBN or any other cannabinoids: These are disallowed by the FDA and indicate the business may be making false claims.

Comparing with Competitors

When comparing your chosen website with competitor sites, look for the following:

  • Professional Design: High-quality websites have intuitive navigation, professional graphics, and clear, concise content.
  • Detailed Product Information: Reputable sites will provide comprehensive details about their products, including ingredients, usage instructions, and benefits.
  • Customer Support: Look for live chat options, easy-to-find contact information, and responsive customer service.

Find Their Certificates of Analysis

A certificate of analysis (COA) is a document from an accredited third-party lab that confirms your cannabinoid product meets advertised specifications. COAs tell you a few things, most importantly the concentrations and variety of cannabinoids present in your product.

Your retailer should include certificates of analysis with every CBD and CBN purchase because:

  • They ensure that your product contains advertised levels of CBD and CBN: This guarantees you are getting what you paid for.
  • They indicate whether the cannabis product is federally legal hemp or a federally prohibited cannabis product: Compliance with the 2018 Farm Bill is crucial.
  • They check for the presence of any contaminants or additives: Ensuring your product is safe to consume.

Curious to see Sunset Lake CBD’s certificates of analysis? You can see them here.

Detailed Comparison with Competitors

Look at how competitors present their COAs. Are they easily accessible? Do they provide a detailed breakdown of the contents? The best sites will have a dedicated section for COAs and make them easily downloadable.

Social Links

Most companies that engage in online commerce will have some sort of social media presence. It’s a great way to engage with customers and receive feedback.

If the company you’re considering buying from doesn’t have or publicly display its social media channels on its site, that could be a red flag. A lack of social media presence can indicate a lack of transparency or customer engagement.

Check Their Social Media Accounts

Once you find a farm that you want to buy CBN online from, check out their social links. Most companies and farms will have them not only for advertising but to maintain another line of communication with existing and potential customers.

Are They Active?

Is the farm or company active? When was the last time they posted? Long periods of radio silence may indicate that the company or farm is out of business or that they’re not necessarily the right farm for you.

Comparing with Competitors

Compare their social media activity with competitors:

  • Frequency of Posts: Active engagement with regular posts.
  • Content Quality: High-quality images, videos, and informative content.
  • Customer Interaction: Responses to comments and messages indicate a responsive company.

Do They Engage?

Engagement is more of a vibe check than a deal-breaker. If the company you’re scouting maintains a healthy social ecosystem and answers questions in a helpful and timely manner, that’s a good sign. Look for:

  • Customer Queries: How quickly and effectively they respond to customer questions.
  • Feedback Handling: Whether they address both positive and negative feedback constructively.

Do They Have Customer Reviews?

Before you press that “Buy Now” button, look at customer reviews, both on and off the website. It may turn out that previous buyers have extra insight into how best to use the product, some tips on dosing, or, in worst-case scenarios, you may find that the CBN product in question may not help with sleep at all.

There are two types of reviews to consider when buying CBN online:

Internal Reviews

Does the website host any internal product or company reviews? Do they seem like they’re from real people? Large third-party retailers that carry different brands should prominently feature a good number of reviews on their websites. For smaller, vertically integrated farms, there may be fewer total reviews.

Detailed Comparison with Competitors

Compare the internal reviews with those on competitor sites. Look for:

  • Authenticity: Genuine reviews from real customers.
  • Volume: A higher number of reviews indicates more sales and trust.
  • Responses: Vendor responses to reviews show their commitment to customer service.

External Reviews

After you’ve checked out your vendor’s internal product reviews, head over to sites like Google and Yelp and search for the retailer’s name. Look for:

  • What the online community is saying about the vendor, their customer service, and the CBN products: A broad range of reviews can give you a balanced view.
  • The Google star rating: Higher ratings generally indicate better quality.
  • Consistency: Do the reviews on the vendor’s website match the tone and ratings of the reviews found on third-party sites? They should if everything is on the up and up.

Comparing with Competitors

Look at external reviews of competitors. Are their ratings consistently high? Do they have a strong presence on review sites?

One Last Thing Before You Buy CBN Online…

After conducting a thorough review, but before you buy CBN online, ensure you look for certificates of analysis. Make sure that the dosage of CBN is within 10% of the level advertised on the product, the document was produced within the last 12 months, and there are no nasty additives.

Once you’ve done all the above, you should be ready and more than able to buy CBN online and keep yourself safe from nasty products or worse, vendors.

Comparison with Competitors

When comparing your chosen vendor with competitors, consider the following:

  • Transparency: Does the vendor provide clear and detailed information about their products?
  • Customer Feedback: Do they actively engage with and respond to customer feedback?
  • Product Quality: How do their product offerings compare in terms of quality and variety?


Buying CBN online requires due diligence to ensure you get a high-quality product from a trustworthy vendor. By following the guidelines in this article—checking website trustworthiness, looking for COAs, evaluating social media presence, and reading customer reviews—you can confidently choose a reputable retailer. Remember to compare your chosen site with competitors to ensure you’re getting the best possible product.

If you have any questions about buying CBN or want to ask anyone here at Sunset Lake CBD about our Sleep Gummies with CBN and CBD, please drop us a line here.


  1. What should I look for when buying CBN online?
    • Look for a reputable website, certificates of analysis, active social media presence, and genuine customer reviews.
  2. Why are certificates of analysis important when buying CBN?
    • They confirm that the product meets advertised specifications, ensuring safety and compliance with legal standards.
  3. How can I trust a CBN retailer’s website?
    • Check for professional design, clear information, and the absence of red flags like popups and typos.
  4. Why is a company’s social media presence important when buying CBN?
    • It indicates the company’s engagement with customers and its transparency in operations.
  5. Where can I find reviews of CBN products?
    • Look for reviews on the retailer’s website and on third-party platforms like Google and Yelp.

CBN is one of the newest cannabinoids on the block and it isn’t going anywhere. While some consider CBN to be a minor cannabinoid behind THC and CBD, retailers are marketing it as a superior sleep aid. While science has yet to confirm whether or not CBN promotes a more restful night’s sleep, it’s still worth getting to know the cannabinoid. 

In this post, we’re going to cover,

  • What CBN is
  • Where it comes from
  • And address the internet’s most common questions about the new “sleep cannabinoid”

What is CBN? 

CBN is short for Canna-Bi-Nol and is one of the more than 100 cannabinoids produced by the hemp plant. Some researchers consider it to be mildly psychoactive because it is usually found in aged THC-dominant cannabis (something we’ll get into a bit later)

Is CBN Different Than CBD?

CBN and CBD are different cannabinoids with their own distinct molecular structures and benefits. We know that CBN interacts directly with your endocannabinoid system’s CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD does not. 

You can take CBD and CBN at the same time. Doing so may even yield additional desired effects. Research suggests that consuming both at the same time can be an effective pain management method.

What is CBN Good For? 

We still aren’t sure what CBN can do because while there have been studies, most have not been carried out with human subjects. We can only hypothesize about what CBN might be good for based on animal studies.


One study on rats published in 2016 suggested CBN may reduce inflammation caused by arthritis. Further research is needed in both animals and humans before we fully understand this link1.  

Pain Relief

Another 2019 study found that a combination of both CBD and CBN was able to relieve chronic pain in rats. Further, this study found that a combination of CBN and CBD was more effective than either cannabinoid taken alone2.

Another study conducted in Japan in the 1980s concluded that both CBN and THC have pain-relief properties3


A recent human-centered study published in 2021 by the Australian Sleep Disorders Research Institute found that a combination of THC, CBN, and CBD taken regularly under the tongue significantly improved insomnia symptoms and self-reported sleep quality in people compared to the placebo group4

Read: Can CBN help you get a better night’s sleep?

Appetite Stimulant 

In a rodent study, CBN increased the volume of food that rats ate, suggesting that it may be an effective appetite stimulant and an alternative for those looking to gain their appetite back without the high associated with THC (another well-known appetite stimulant.) 


CBN may also be a powerful neuroprotectant, meaning that it may help protect your nervous system from damage, especially in people who develop a health condition with neurological effects.

In a 2005 study, researchers found that CBN helped delay the onset of ALS in rats5


CBN has also been tested against certain strains of MRSA— a type of staph bacteria that’s become much more resistant to antibiotics in recent years6.

Where Does CBN Come From? 

CBN comes from a process called oxidation. When we expose its predecessor molecule, THC, to oxygen, UV light, or heat for prolonged periods of time, it breaks down into cannabinol. This means that CBN content isn’t determined by genetic factors, but instead by THC content, time, and the environment. 

Frequently Asked Questions About CBN

Is CBN Psychoactive?

Many believe CBN is mildly psychoactive because THC is its predecessor cannabinoid and it interacts with your CB receptors in much the same way THC does. Note that psychoactive doesn’t necessarily mean intoxicating. 

Is CBN Legal?

CBN is not listed as a Schedule I substance. Because CBN is derived from oxidized THC, some believe that CBN could be illegal under the Federal Analogue Act

That said, CBN can also be derived from federally legal hemp plants defined as “cannabis that contains less than 0.3% delta-9 THC,” albeit in smaller quantities. As long as the CBN is derived from hemp, it’s believed to be legal.

Where Can You Find CBN?

As a byproduct of THC, CBN isn’t the most plentiful cannabinoid, and oxidizing THC-dominant cannabis isn’t exactly the most efficient way to harvest CBN. Because of the advances in cannabis science, some companies are starting to release CBN isolate and broad-spectrum CBN + CBD blended products, like CBN edibles and CBN oil. 


CBN edibles are gummies, beverages, or foods that have been infused with cannabinol. Broad- and full-spectrum CBN edibles will contain additional cannabinoids like CBD and THC. 

Some manufacturers may choose to make their CBN edibles with CBN isolate, in which case they should only contain CBN and no other cannabinoids. CBN edibles, like any other cannabinoid-infused edible, should take anywhere between 30-120 minutes to take effect. 


CBN oil is similar to CBD oil. Most of the time, CBN oil will be made by mixing CBN isolate with a carrier oil such as hemp oil or coconut MCT oil. 

You can add your CBN oil to your favorite foods or drinks, or apply the oil directly under your tongue for rapid absorption. CBN oil taken under your tongue should take less time to take effect than CBN edibles— anywhere between 15-60 minutes. 


CBN topicals are lotions, rubs, roll-ons, or salves infused with CBN. You’ll normally see CBN topicals also infused with CBD due to both cannabinoids’ anti-inflammatory properties. CBN topicals should offer localized relief for aches and pains that keep you up at night.

Read more: Where Should You Buy CBN Online?

Does CBN Have Any Side Effects? 

As of this writing, there are no known side effects of CBN, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist— it just means we need more time to understand the cannabinoid.  

Pregnant people, children, and those sensitive to THC should avoid CBN until we’re more certain of its safety. 

Will CBN Interact with my other Medications?

While we do know that CBD interacts with certain medications, especially those that come with “grapefruit warnings,” we don’t know if CBN acts the same way. 

To be on the safe side, take caution and speak to your pharmacist before trying CBN. 

Does CBN make you hungry?

Unlike CBD which can have appetite-suppressing effects, CBN appears to stimulate appetite (at least in rodents)7. While CBN may not give you the munchies, it may be a great therapeutic option for people struggling with their appetites because of illness or cancer treatments. 


  1. Zurier RB, Burstein SH. Cannabinoids, inflammation, and fibrosis. FASEB J. 2016;30(11):3682–9.
  2. Wong H, Cairns BE. Cannabidiol, cannabinol and their combinations act as peripheral analgesics in a rat model of myofascial pain. Arch Oral Biol. 2019;104:33–9.
  3. Yamamoto, I., Watanabe, K., Kuzuoka, K., Narimatsu, S., & Yoshimura, H. (1987). The pharmacological activity of cannabinol and its major metabolite 11-hydroxycannabinol. Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin. 35(5), 2144–2147.
  4. Walsh, J.H., et al., Treating insomnia symptoms with medicinal cannabis: a randomized, crossover trial of the efficacy of a cannabinoid medicine compared with placebo. Sleep, 2021. 44(11)
  5. Weydt, Patrick et al. “Cannabinol delays symptom onset in SOD1 (G93A) transgenic mice without affecting survival.” Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron disorders : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases vol. 6,3 (2005): 182-4. doi:10.1080/14660820510030149
  6. Appendino, Giovanni et al. “Antibacterial cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: a structure-activity study.” Journal of natural products vol. 71,8 (2008): 1427-30. doi:10.1021/np8002673
  7. Farrimond, Jonathan A et al. “Cannabinol and cannabidiol exert opposing effects on rat feeding patterns.” Psychopharmacology vol. 223,1 (2012): 117-29. doi:10.1007/s00213-012-2697-x

Did you know that 7 out of 10 Americans report not getting eight hours of sleep every night? If you’re one of these millions of Americans you know that not being able to get a good night’s rest can quickly become a nightmare. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious short-term and long-term health effects like high blood pressure, depression, and an increased risk of a heart attack. 

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from irregular sleep, you may have heard of a new cannabinoid, CBN, which some believe has sleep-promoting properties. 

In this piece, we’ll take a look at,

  • What CBN is
  • How it affects your body
  • And, whether taking CBN for sleep might help you

Continue reading “CBN For Sleep: Can This New Cannabinoid Help You Feel More Rested?”

CBN Gummies are becoming a popular before-bed supplement. They’re advertised to help with your sleep quality and night pains. Are those claims all cannabis-industry hype? Or, is there a good reason that CBD brands are adding CBN-infused gummies to their product lineup?

In this post, we’ll try to cover everything you need to know about CBN Gummies.

Continue reading “What Are CBN Gummies and What Do They Do? [A Comprehensive Guide]”

Both CBD and CBN are naturally occurring cannabinoids produced by the hemp plant, although their unique characteristics do not make them substitutes for each other. CBD, the more popular of the two, is the subject of extensive medical research as of this writing. CBN on the other hand is still relatively new but is being touted by many hemp companies as a silver bullet for all of your sleep problems. How far off the mark are they, and is there really that much of a difference between CBN vs. CBD? 

In this post, we’ll explore a few topics:

  • What are the similarities between CBN and CBD?
  • What are the differences between CBN vs. CBD?
  • Are there any benefits to taking CBN?
  • Which is better at helping you get to sleep? CBN or CBD?

Continue reading “CBN vs. CBD: What Are The Differences?”
